Belief. It is always only belief that keeps people from their real possibilities for growth. Many limit themselves with their belief, they are quite rigid and immobile, of course without realising it.
But they can’t grow like that, they don’t move from the spot. If you don’t want to open yourself up to it, you can’t have any new experiences either. First there must be the will to really want to let go of the old.
Then comes the willingness to open up. We entrust ourselves to the new and the uncertain. This is only possible when we find our new security in our heart. For many of us, our ego sometimes becomes a spoilsport and doesn’t quite want to grant us the peace of (heart and) mind we deserve.
But this opening, that must come now with us humans. You are surely already waiting for it, dear Gaia, it has to happen soon. Letting go and accepting all the things that do not bring us forward, that is the key.
Our old systems crack and groan and somehow still try to run on in the usual subchakra-like and ego-centred way by means of fear, control or anger. Whereas everyone feels that the old world and the old way of thinking should soon come to an end.
The seeds of the New World have been germinating for a long time, everyone feels it somehow, yet so little happens…
Our belief is still holding us back, dear Gaia. We are not quite there yet. So, we have to see a little more of what you are playing for us on your multidimensional canvas (*).
We stay in touch, as we say. All the time. Anytime. I love you.
Your faithful resident,
We not only see the world in 3D in front of us, we also feel it, very intensely. We feel with our astral body, which is in the fourth dimension. This is also where our chakras reside, the inner energy centres that supply us with astral electricity.