Amazing view of the Kalalau Valley and the Na Pali coast in Kauai.
I had already heard about Ho’oponopono. But I had no real idea what it was and what it meant. My wife Mina became interested, also inspired by friends of ours. She read several eBooks and started to practise it almost non-stop.
I still didn’t really know what it was. I had already heard and understood the four “magical sentences”. But I had not yet felt what they really meant.
So I was looking for a practical quick guide that would present the inner forgiveness ritual nicely in 2-3 pages without long book reading. Here is what I found in english.
A summary of a general procedure in simplified Ho’oponopono
We can summarise everything related to the problem (disorder) in a kind of keyword list.
Then we do a Ho’oponopono on each point: I am sorry (I see and accept the destructive in me.). Please forgive me (I forgive the destructive in me.). I love you (I love myself unconditionally.). Thank you (I thank the God for the transformation.).
It couldn’t be described more beautifully. Wonderful, anyone can do it easily, and without any conversion of faith.
Those who do not like to use the often prejudiced word God, exchange it with Universe, Universal Being or All-That-Is, or simply with CONSCIOUSNESS.
Or we can even dedicate our thanks to God to the descendants of the All That Is, such as our mother planet Gaia or Mother Nature or (for the mystic) Mother Mary. I thank Gaia for the transformation. This works very well, especially since Gaia has a direct and physical connection to us humans…
This means that everyone can practise Ho’oponopono in a way that fits into their own world view. Beautiful.
Mina is already doing it too, and it works wonderfully! For each of the four sentences, I do one to three passes of the Healer & Creator energy flow exercise, depending on how I intuitively feel.
So I think about my issue that I want to heal and resolve internally and then I read through the first sentence again:
Every human being is destructive, practically in all his actions. One more, the other a little less, depending on the value consciousness. We can only ever hope to do “the best” in every step.
Because of the polarity of this world, every action always has an effect in at least two directions.
I imagine my pictures or I feel myself into a personal example situation from my memories or one I have imagined myself.
Then I do two passes of the H&C Energy Flow Exercise to bring up that memory or vision in me, in the centre of my body….
And with the exhalation and circular lowering of the hands, I integrate this memory or vision within myself. In doing so, I imagine how I dissolve or transform it, as desired by me.
It works very well for me. If you already know Healer & Creator, give it a try!
Self-forgiveness. I wrote a few pages about this in the third Multidimensional book. It dissolves our karma.
Everything that we can forgive ourselves, we do not need to experience again “live” on Gaia. Lesson learnt, move on! But we have to forgive ourselves, from the deepest part of our heart.
In many cases it will be the ego-ego that has to ask the heart for forgiveness, truly not always an easy matter!
I can connect the bringing up of the arms in the middle of the body with the inner image of forgiveness. However, it is not a bending down and prostrating forgiveness, but it is a strong, self-confident forgiveness.
A heroic forgiveness, because we associate it with the inhalation with which we move upwards like a small plant with our inner energies in order to see the light of the sun…
Exhaling and lowering my hands and arms in circles, I accept. Just accepting what is.
I feel into my personal vibrational frequency of self-love, breathe through my heart chakra a few times or do whatever I need to feel my heart. Then I imagine the memory or vision.
With the inhale I feel the self-love within me, bring it up into my centre…. And with the exhale I let this felt love rain down on me like a higher-dimensional shower.
I love myself, I feel it right, and this love dissolves the remembered or imagined image into light.
I do a second run of the Energy Flow Exercise. As they say, just to be sure! 😉
(God = Universe, All-That-Is, Gaia,…)
Thank you.
Just say thank you inside!
That feels really good.
With the next inhale I bring this feeling up into my centre, pull it up through the whole body in my imagination, and with the exhale I pour this feeling of inner gratitude into my inner being….
It flows through me. It breathes in me.
I repeat it two more times.
It feels really good.