Intuitive projects are one thing. They start by themselves, the ideas literally push themselves into consciousness and would like to be materialised all at the same time.
And then there is no time. So I always find new ways to bring the ideas and concepts together anew…
In between writing my books, I’m learning 2D animation art. Two projects lent themselves to this: LUNAS AWAKENING (a spiritual soap opera) and LICHTWELTEN – The Movie (a collaborative stick figure film about the 21 values of life). Due to lack of time, these projects are currently dormant, but can be developed further at any time when I hear the call again.
A third animation project is SpiriToonz, here I get results faster:
I am currently bringing my content together with 2D animation and programming. The result is a mindfulness, meditation and 21 life values game, with a virtual smoothie mixer and dozens of energetic and meditative exercises that can be done live while “playing” (more information here).