I find these pages wonderful: thenewearthmanifesto.com. I hadn’t even had a chance to read through everything before I felt a very strong inner connection with this perspective of truth. As far as I could see, it all fitted quite well with my own ideas of a New World.
Light-filled people come together and create a new vision. Look, that’s how it could be done. In today’s times, this is considered quite impudent and also takes a lot of courage. Authors, ambassadors or visionaries are quickly labelled as esoterics, right-wing nutcases or even dissidents.
Here, the luminous souls stand up and say: Look! And when I read this, line by line…. Yes, why not? It feels really good to me personally, the way it is described there. I have also been describing the New Earth in similar terms for many months.
I am one of those who for a long time did not really feel at ease on Gaia. In the past, I often numbed myself with alcohol until I dropped, as self-medication against the inner pain that I have felt inside me for so long. A pain for the harshness of this world, which from its own perspective only seems to mean well. With harshness, strict rules and (thinking) restrictions, we want to protect and cannot understand what we are doing to our consciousness and thus to the experience of our universe.
Positive visions take us further on our path of development. Let us use their power and learn from them. I think we can all take something personally with us from this New Earth Manifesto.
Thank you for this wonderful project, dear Catharina and Coco!