I’ll just fantasise. May I?
While writing my texts about life values, “quite by chance” I also see interesting posts, questions or comments about our values and value concepts in the so-called social media every now and then.
One comment was about parents teaching their children good life values. Sure, because there is no subject for that at school.
School, as we know it so far, is not the right place to learn such things. Life values do not fit into the rigid and completely outdated construct of the global school system.
This already starts with the evaluation. When we evaluate another person, we are already acting outside the 21 life values…
And what about when parents don’t live their life values themselves because they can’t or because they don’t want to? Then children learn exactly these things too. They copy these basic patterns, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Wouldn’t a Collaborative School of Life Values be a good idea for a better and more life valuable future?
As it is, my writing and 2D animation is currently focused on the theme of life values, without having a particular fixed goal in mind. I just follow my intuition.
With LICHTWELTEN (light worlds), a 2D animated film is created in which various animation artists show their view of a world in which the 21 life values are actually lived. Many perspectives! This is especially important for any school. One-sided education closes one’s consciousness more than one would like to be aware of.
We’ll see how it develops and who might join one or the other project. Perhaps the (hobby) guest authors among my readers might also write a couple of blog posts on the 21 life values and publish them here?
Or perhaps there are other artistic contributions, as photos or drawings, that we can show here in keeping with the 21 life values? These pages could develop into a community project, I am very happy to open the space for this.
More perspectives! Because even my intuitive writing is always only a perspective view.