We are not only made up of body cells, but also of bacteria and other microorganisms. They are a part of us. We give them living space.
They are predominantly good for us because they use all kinds of biochemical craftsmanship to convert our food into energy and vital substances.
If we are good to them, they are good to us. If we neglect them and avoid the substances they live on (e.g. sugar), they make a big fuss.
It seems they are making telepathic contact with us to change our minds with images of sticky treats….
But if we, as the king of our body kingdom, decide we don’t want these bullies in our body, we can change step by step to the friendlier mini-habitants. The ones that live on vegetables and raw greens. They are much more frugal and cosy!
I love my bacteria. That’s why I’m also very careful with artificial or artificially compressed substances of all kinds. Or even with radiation. Are they also good for my mini-habitants?
There is a we in me. We decide things together, my mini-roommates and me.