We earthlings have not believed in natural religions for a long time. That’s why you won’t get so much mail these days. We now have science, it has replaced the religions and we all (or almost all) believe in it very firmly.
When I started school, neither my teachers nor my classmates wanted to know anything about energy bodies, lucid dreaming and astral travel, healing with loving hands, synchronicities and telepathy, consciousness experiences or the like.
No wonder. If we can’t measure it, we don’t believe in such things. I then left school early, feeling more comfortable with people who believed in very similar things to me.
Not much has changed yet. I heard about a young girl who until recently could perceive higher-dimensional beings of light. That was before she started school. She is highly sensitive, like so many who are now on your surface.
We’re all here and you’re showing us your miracles. Some perceive them, others not because they have (still) closed their inner senses.
It’s cold in the world. But spring is coming, I can feel it now.
Your faithful resident,