One of the 21 themes of the LICHTWELTEN (light worlds) is safety. Because the world we create here together, first in our mind, then on our screens, is first of all a safe place inside us.
The LICHTWELTEN feel “safe” because there is no morbidly exaggerated egoism, no violence, no stealing, no hatred and no opposing here.
That is why no one needs to be afraid here. There are no opponents and no criminals, because all residents have enough for themselves, everything is shared.
Can you imagine how safe that feels? Try it, just close your eyes and feel into it for a few moments before you read on.
Feels good, right?
Yes, exactly.
THAT is security. You can feel it inside you when you open yourself to it.
That place, the LICHTWELTEN in your imagination… No one can harm you here. You are completely safe here.
Our three stick figure characters Gaia, Sol and Luna live here, in this safe place. How lucky are they, right? In our film, we watch them live in their wonder world.
Who knows, maybe we can learn something from them?